Find out how you can help
There are more than 50 thousand sexual predators online at any given moment. With no system in place or developed, the international law-enforcements are finding it increasingly difficult to deal with these predators because this type of cybercrime is almost impossible to detect and to prove.
But what can you do about it?
Terre des Hommes and Free A Girl are both international organizations in The Netherlands that fight against child prostitution. You can support them or your local organization by volunteering or donating.Go tot the website of Terre des Hommes
Go tot the website of Free A Girl
Get in touch with your government
More and more countries are finding innovative ways to fight against this sort of cyber crime. For example, after watching a part of our film, the Dutch government passed a law for allowing police officers to pose as children to detect sexual predators online. You can ask your own country to do the same by calling or sending a mail to your own local government.
Read more about it
If you would like to know more about sexual abuse of children via the webcam, Belgian journalist Peter Dupont who also acted as an investigator in the film has written a book called 'Children of the Web' about the subject. The book is only available in Dutch for now.You can buy the book here.